Burns – Nursing Quiz Questions – Free Nursing Quizzes

Burns – Nursing Quiz Questions

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Total Quiz Questions=20
Mark/Question= 5
Total Marks=100

1. In the following types of burns, regeneration occurs without scarring, EXCEPT?
First degree burns
Second degree burns
Third degree burns
None of these

2. Pain occurs more in first degree and second degree burns because of?
Release of high prostaglandins by brain
Nerve endings have been injured and exposed
Destruction of sebaceous gland
Due to increased perpiration

3. During the healing phase after the burn injury, the person experience dryness and itching because of?
Fluid volume shift to interstitial space
Increased vascularization, decreased perspiration
Increased perspiration

4. The following formula’s are used to find the extent of the burn, except?
Charles formula
Rule of nine
Berkow formula
Lund and Browder method

5. The goals of management of burns include all of the following, EXCEPT?
Stopping the burn process
Providing the life support
Preventing complication
Prevent the restoration of function

6. The progress of clients experiencing severe burns can be described as following three phases, EXCEPT?

7. The Hypovolemic phase of burns is initiated at the time of injury and lasts for?
6 – 8 hours
6 – 12 hours
12 -24 hours
48 – 72 hours

8. What is the main cause of local edema and blister formation at the burn area?
Increased production of lymph
To protect the burn area from heat
Vasodilation and increased capillary permeability

9.What will happen to a severe burnt patient, as a result of the reduced blood volume and passage of the end products of the hemolyzed cells through the glomeruli?
Septic shock
Renal damage and Haematuria

10. What is the reason for Metabolic acidosis in hypovolemic phase of burn injury?
Increased respiration
Decreased respiration
Increased production of bicarbonate
Anaerobic metabolism and loss of serum bicarbonate

11. The main cause of diuretic phase of burn is?
Fluid shift from vascular compartment to interstitial compartment
Fluid shift from interstitial compartment to vascular compartment
Administration of injection furosemide

12. Persons who are burnt on the face and neck or those who have inhaled flame, steam or smoke should be closely observed for?
Possibility of cosmetic surgery
Identity problem and self esteem
Laryngospasm and airway obstruction
Risk for scarring

13. Important initial care when chemical burn is suspected?
Cover the burn area
Excessive flushing with water for 20 – 30 minutes
Remove the dressings
Provide the calm environment

14. Applying ice should be avoided at the burnt area because?
Large ice cubes may not be available
It may leads to infection
It may breaks the blisters
Leads to severe vasoconstriction

15. Large doses of analgesics and sedation should be avoided for the burnt patient because?
There was no pain at all
It will not relieve pain
It may cause respiratory depression
It may cause addiction

16. The one half of the total amount of fluid needed in 24 hours should be given within?
First 24 hours after injury
First 12 hours after injury
First 4 hours after injury
First 8 hours after injury

17. The most reliable measure for determining the adequacy of fluid therapy during the first 48 hours of burns?
Electrolyte levels
Urine output
Serum potassium level
Skin turgor

18. The “thirds” solution is prepared by equal parts of mixture of following solutions, EXCEPT?
Povidone Iodine
Normal saline
Acetic acid
Hydrogen peroxide

19. The protein requirement for an adult patient who got major burn injury is?
0.5 g/day
0.5 – 1 g/day
500 to 1000 mg/day
2 – 4 g/day

20. Which among the following intervention is not used to prevent contractures on face and neck involved patient?
Semi fowler’s position
Neck hyper extended position
Supine with pillow under the shoulder
Chewing gum and blowing balloons exercises

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Explanation/Rationale:- Burns – Nursing Quiz Questions – Free Nursing Quizzes

1.The deeper layers of the corium are not destroyed in first and second degree burns, regeneration occurs without scarring.


3. During the healing phase the person experiences dryness and itching because of

  • increased vascularization,
  • destruction of sebaceous glands and
  • decreased perspiration




7. The major characteristic of the hypovolemic phase is a rapid fluid shift from the vascular compartment to the interstitial compartment

8. When the tissues are burnt, vasodilation, increased capillary permeability, and changes in the permeability of tissue cells in and around the burn area occur. As a result, abnormally large amounts of extracellular fluid, sodium chloride and protein pass into the burnt area to cause blister formation and local edema

9. Red blood cells trapped in the burnt area are destroyed and the injured cells continue to hemolyze, it will lead to renal damage and hematuria

10. Anaerobic metabolism from decreased tissue perfusion leads to increased acid end product (lactic acid) and decreased urine output also leads to retention of acid end products along with loss of serum bicarbonate leads to metabolic acidosis



13. As much as 20 – 30 minutes of continuous flushing may be necessary to assure complete removal of the destructive agent

14. Ice is to be avoided, since the severe vasoconstriction decrease circulation to the part and increases pain

15. Large doses of analgesics and sedatives are avoided because of the danger of respiratory depression and it may mask other symptoms

16. Fluids needs for the first 24 hours are calculated from the time of the burn. Usually the patient receives one half of the total amount in the first 8 hours, one fourth in the second 8 hours, and one fourth in the third 8 hours. One half of the total amount given on the first day is given in the second 24 hours.

17. Urine flow 30 to 50 ml is adequate for an adult. Urine flow should be at least 15 ml/hr for infants and 25 ml/hr for older children. After the first 48 – 72 hours the urinary output is no longer reliable guide to fluid needs because diuretic phase may initiate.

18. The “thirds” solution has limited antimicrobial action and is most effective against organisms that are affected by changes in pH. It is also used to clean the dirty granulation tissue



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