Anatomy Image Based Questions

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Anatomy Image Based Questions

Identify the green marked area in between eye brows?
Identify pink color marked gland?
Identify the red marked muscle?
Identify the soft part hanging from middle of the soft palate?
Identify the movement of shoulder demonstrated in picture?
Identify the red marked anatomical area?
Identify the triangle marked area?
Which muscle is red colored here helping the movement?
Identify the red marked articular surface?
Identify the anatomical location where the thumb kept?
Which pulse is palpating in picture?
Identify red marked part?
Identify the abnormal communication marked in picture?
Identify the question marked area?
Identify the aneurysm based on it's location?
Identify this abnormal gait?
Identify this abnormal uterus?
identify green marked bone
Anatomy Image Based Questions
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