Table of Contents
List of Diagnostic Tests in Different Medical Conditions

- Adom Test- Scoliosis
- Aldehyde test- Leprosy
- Allen test- ABG Analysis
- Arthrocentesis: Joint inflammation and infection
- Auspitz’s sign: Psoriasis
- Bangle Test- Protein-Energy Malnutrition
- Becker’s sign: Thyrotoxicosis
- Benedict Test- Glucose in urine
- Binet Test- intelligence quotient
- Blumberg’s sign: Peritonitis
- Bonny Test / Marshall Test- Stress Incontinence
- Braden scale: to measure the integrity of bedsore
- Burrow ink test: Scabies / The itch
- Confrontation Test- Central and Peripheral Vision
- Creatinine clearance test – Estimation of GFR
- D-Dimer Test – measuring Clot formation(DVT, PE, DIC)
- Dexa scan – Bone metabolic disease Eg. Osteoporosis
- Dexamethasone suppression test: ACTH or Pituitary / adrenal gland tumor
- Dick Test- Scarlet Fever
- Direct Coomb test- Haemolytic Anaemia
- Fern Test or Nitrazine Test- leakage of Amniotic fluid
- Frei Test- Lymphogranuloma inguinale
- Glucose tolerance test – Diabetes Mellitus
- Glycosylated Haemoglobin/Hb1AC Test- Diabetes Mellitus
- Gold QuntiFeron Test- Tuberculosis
- Guthrie Test – Phenylketonuria
- Hanging Drop Test – Cholera
- Heel to shin test – CSF leakage
- Hey Test- Bile Salt in Urine
- Histamine Test- Leprosy
- Holter Monitoring – 24 hour ECG monitoring in Dysrhythmia
- Ishihara Test- Color Vision test
- Jegar’s type Card test- Near Vision
- Knee Kiss Test- Meningitis in Children
- KveimTest- Sarcoidosis
- Ortho-Toluidine Test- Check Chlorine in Water.
- Pap smear: Cancer of the cervix
- Patch Test- Allergic Reaction
- Paul Bunnell Test- Epstein Barr Virus
- Phalen’s / Tinel’s Test- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Phosphate test- Pasteurization
- Rinne and Weber test – Hearing
- Roller Over Test- Pre-Eclampsia
- Romberg Test- Neurological Function/balance or gait
- Rothera test- Acetone in Urine
- Rubin test- Patency of fallopian tube
- Schick test- Diphtheria
- Schilling Test – Vitamin B12 Absorption
- Shake Test / Bubble Test- Surfactant and fetal Lungs maturity
- Smith test- Bile Pigment in Urine
- Snellen Chart Test- Distance Vision
- Sweat chloride test- Cystic fibrosis
- Tape Test- Pin Worm
- Tensilon Test- Myasthenia Gravis
- Tourniquet Test- Dengue
- Treadmill/Stress Test-heart function
- Trendelenburg test- varicose vein
- Triple Test- Down Syndrome
- Tzank Test- Herpes Genital or Varicella
- Urea breath test- H. Pylori
- VDRL test- Syphilis
- VMA (Vanillylmandelic acid test) – Pheochromocytoma
- water deprivation Test- Diabetes Insipidus
- Weil Felix test- Rickettsial infections
- Widal test-Typhoid (on 2nd week)
- Wood’s Light examination: Superficial infection of the skin
Cancer Diagnostic Tests
CA 15-3: breast cancer
CA 19-9: GIT (Pancreatic, liver cancer)
CA 125: Ovarian cancer
AIDS diagnostic tests
ELISA Test – Screening for HIV
Western Blot test – Confirmation Test for HIV
CD4 count – Predictor of HIV (< 200) P24 Antigen Assay test: Indicates Active HIV Replication or seen in pregnancy
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