NIMHANS Nursing Officer Exam 17-12-2023 Memory-Based Solved Questions

NIMHANS Nursing Officer Exam Memory Based Solved Questions

1. Which is not a vital sign?
a. BP
b. Pulse
c. Blood Glucose
d. Temperature

2. A nurse assesses which patient first in the emergency?
a. A chronic schizophrenia patient
b. Patient with depression complaining of constipation
c. A patient experiencing acute anxiety
d. All of the above

3. A patient with suicidal ideation, the nurse must maintain which action?
a. Watchfulness
b. Maintain friendliness
c. Provide emotional support
d. Monitor vital signs closely

4. If a nurse finds an error in a patient’s medicine, what is the nurse’s next immediate action?
a. Report the error
b. Provide another medication to the patient
c. Communicate to the next staff
d. Assess the patient for adverse effects

5. Which is not a cyanotic heart disease?
a. Atrial septal defect
b. Tetralogy of Fallot
c. Truncus arteriosus
d. Tricuspid atresia

6. Which statement is true about MRSA?
a. Routine infection control practices only need to prevent the spread
b. Organism is sensitive to beta-lactam antibiotics
c. Organism is resistant to beta-lactam antibiotics
d. MRSA is a virus

7. Which term is not related to COVID-19?
a. Isolation
b. Quarantine
c. Daycare isolation
d. Social distancing

8. When preparing a patient for surgery, which nursing action is not mandatory in the preoperative phase?
a. Ensure all preoperative medications are given to the patient
b. Ensure the patient has voided urine
c. Ensure that the patient is maintained NPO (nothing by mouth) for at least 6 – 8 hours
d. Administer pain medication

9. Sputum microscopy is negative for tubercle bacilli, but the x-ray shows signs of TB. According to RNTCP, what is the next step to confirm the diagnosis?
a. Liquid culture
c. GeneXpert
d. Mantoux test

10. Schizophrenia patient on HALOPERIDOL – Nurse should be aware of potential symptoms of?
a. EPS
b. Respiratory Depression
c. Cardiac Arrhythmias
d. Hypertension

11. Radiology exposure is high in?
a. CT and Whole-body X-ray
b. Ultrasound (USG)
c. MRI
d. Colour Doppler Study

12. Anosmia is caused by damage to which cranial nerve?
a. Cranial Nerve I (Olfactory)
b. Cranial Nerve V (Trigeminal)
c. Cranial Nerve VII (Facial)
d. Cranial Nerve X (Vagus)

13. Abdominal assessment step order:
a. Inspection, Auscultation, Percussion, Palpation
b. Palpation, Percussion, Inspection, Auscultation
c. Auscultation, Inspection, Palpation, Percussion
d. Percussion, Palpation, Inspection, Auscultation

It may reduce the chance of abdominal muscle contraction and helps to do the assessment easily

14. Sign of left heart failure:
a. Edema
b. Jugular venous distension
c. Crackles in the lungs
d. All of the above

15. NG tube removal procedure:
a. Remove swiftly and without warning
b. Withdraw steadily while pinching the tube
c. Instruct the patient to cough during removal
d. Ask the patient to remove it themselves

16. Most common cause of secondary parkinsonism?
a. Drug-induced
b. Idiopathic
c. Genetic
d. Trauma

17. Parkinsonism is a deficiency of:
a. Dopamine
b. Acetylcholine
c. Serotonin

18. Aim of cognitive-behavioral therapy?
a. Identify unconscious conflicts
b. Modify maladaptive behaviors and thought patterns
c. Administer medications
d. Enhance interpersonal relationships

19. Bedsore assessment scale:
a. Braden Scale
b. Glasgow Coma Scale
c. Barthel Index
d. Karnofsky Performance Scale

20. Injection Emeset before chemotherapy time?
a. 30 minutes before
b. Same time
c. After chemotherapy
d. As needed during chemotherapy

21. Which of the following is Not a feature of a nurse’s record:
a. Write with ink
b. Counter-signed by a doctor
c. Write legibly
d. Avoid overwriting

22. In medicine, LASA stands for?
a. Liposomal amphotericin-B
b. Limited Anterior Space Access
c. Look-alike, Sound-alike
d. Large Aortic Septal Aneurysm

23. Green Armytage forceps are used for which surgery?
a. Cardiothoracic surgery
b. Obstetric & Gynec Surgery
c. Orthopedic surgery
d. Ophthalmic surgery

24. Koplik spots are seen in which part of the body?
a. Tongue
b. Palms
c. Eyes
d. Buccal mucosa

25. Adult CPR ratio:
a. 30:2 (Compressions to breaths)
b. 15:2 (Compressions to breaths)
c. 5:1 (Compressions to breaths)
d. 10:1 (Compressions to breaths)

26. Lithium therapeutic range:
a. 0.1-0.5 mEq/L
b. 0.6-1.2 mEq/L
c. 1.5-2.5 mEq/L
d. 3.0-4.0 mEq/L

27. Best time for breast self-examination:
a. During ovulation
b. Just before menstruation
c. After 7 days of menstruation
d. Weekly once on the same day

28. Accurate diagnosis for breast cancer:
a. Mammogram
b. Myelography
c. MRI
d. All of the above

29. Which is not related to COVID-19:
a. Daycare Isolation
b. Isolation
c. Social distancing
d. Quarantine

30. During a Mental Status Examination (MSE), the psychologist asked the patient to differentiate between a fan and a bulb. What is assessed by the psychologist?
a. Orientation
b. Cognitive ability
c. Judgment
d. Perception

31. Where is the primary temperature regulation center located in the brain?
a. Medulla Oblongata
b. Hypothalamus
c. Cerebellum
d. Thalamus

32. In healthcare waste segregation, which type of waste is appropriately designated for disposal in a yellow bin?
a. Human tissues, organs, body parts, and fetus below the viability period
b. Plastic containers
c. Glass bottles
d. Used Syringes and needles

33. How much population a CHC Cover?
a. 1,20,000
b. 20,000
c. 1,000
d. 5,000

34. What is a classic meningeal sign commonly assessed in patients suspected of having meningitis?
a. Kernig’s sign
b. Murphy’s sign
c. Chvostek’s sign
d. Babinski sign

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