Infection Control Nursing MCQ’S |Infection Control and Prevention

Infection Control and Prevention Nursing Questions and Answers

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Total Quiz Questions=20
Mark/Question= 5
Total Marks=100

1. An education program is being conducted on standard precautions. The nurse understands: that a primary purpose of standard precautions with all clients is:
1. To prevent nosocomial infections.
2. To protect clients from AIDS.
3. To protect employees from HIV and HBV.
4. To replace other isolation requirements.

2. When preparing to administer an antibiotic to a client, the nurse understands it will be effective in treatment of an infectious disease process primarily because antibiotics:
1. Reduce the inflammatory response.
2. Enhance the body’s natural immune function.
3. Block growth of essential components of the bacterial cell.
4. Immobilize bacteria and allow them to be eliminated from the body.

3. Which physical assessment finding is most indicative of a systemic infection?
1. Nasal drainage
2. Bilateral 3+ pitting pedal edema
3. Oral temperature of 101.1°F
4. Pale skin and nail bed color

4. A client is being admitted to a medical unit with a diagnosis of tuberculosis. Which type of room should this client is assigned by the nurse?
1. Private room
2. Semiprivate room
3. Room with windows that can be opened
4. Negative airflow room.

5. A surgical client develops a wound infection during hospitalization. How is this type of infection classified?
1. Primary
2. Secondary
3. Superimposed
4. Nosocomial

6. A client is diagnosed with AIDS. The nurse recognizes that an opportunistic infection is present when the oral cavity is examined and white plagues are discovered on the mucosa. What does this finding most likely represent?
1. Cytomegalovirus
2. Histoplasmosis
3. Candida albicans
4. Human papilomavirus

7. A nurse is teaching a new nursing assistant about ways to prevent the spread of infection. Included in the instruction would be that the cycle of the infectious process must be broken, which may be accomplished primarily through:
1. Hand washing before and between providing client care.
2. Thoroughly cleaning the environment.
3. Wearing infection control-approved protective equipment when providing client care.
4. Using medical and surgical aseptic techniques at all times.

8. A client is to begin IV antibiotic therapy for a pulmonary infection. What should be completed before the first dose of antibiotic is administered?
1. Urinalysis
2. Sputum culture
3. Chest X-ray
4. Red blood cell count

9. A 62-year-old male client is being discharged home from the hospital. During his stay, he acquired a nosocomial infection. Clostridium difficile, in preparing a teaching plan for the client and caretaker, which priority point would the nurse include?
1. Report any constipation to your physician immediately
2. C. difficile causes diarrhea accompanied by flatus and abdominal discomfort.
3. The client should consume a diet high in fiber and low in fat
4. No special cleaning or disinfection will be required in the home

10. A nurse discusses the procedure for protective isolation with the husband of a client who is receiving chemotherapy and has been hospitalized for neutropenia. Which statement made by the husband indicates the teaching was effective?
1. “Protective isolation helps prevent the spread of infection to my wife from the outside environment.”
2. “Protective isolation help prevent the spread of infection from my wife to health care personnel and visitors.”
3. “Protective isolation helps prevent the spread of infection from my wife by using special techniques to destroy infectious fluids and secretions.”
4. “Protective isolation helps prevent the spread of infection to my wife by using special sterilization techniques for her linens and personal items before use.”

11. Which activity would be best in preventing septic shock in the hospitalized client?
1. Maintaining the client in a normothermic state.
2. Administering blood products to replace fluid losses
3. Using aseptic technique during all invasive procedures
4. Keeping the critically ill client immobilized to reduce metabolic demands

12. A client has an infection that is spread through droplets. Which of the following is essential for the nurse to use when taking this client’s temperature?
1. Gloves
2. Goggles
3. A gown
4. A mask

13. A nurse administering immunizations to prevent infection by which of the following mechanism?
1. Enhancing the defenses of the host
2. Eliminating the mode of transmission
3. Introducing a weak secondary infection
4. Blocking the immune response of the host

14. A client has a nursing diagnosis of Risk for infection. What would be the most desirable expected outcome for this client?
1. All nursing functions will be completed by discharge
2. All invasive intravenous lines will remain patent
3. The client will remain awake, alert, and oriented at all times
4. The client will be free of signs and symptoms of infection by discharge

15. What action by the nurse is most important when performing a dressing change using surgical aseptic technique?
1. Comforting the client
2. Maintaining sterility
3. Obtaining extra gloves
4. Organizing supplies.

16. The nurse must assign a room to a client with scabies. Which of the following options would be the best choice for this client?
1. A negative-pressure isolation room.
2. A private room.
3. A semi-private room with any client.
4. A room with another client with scabies.

17. When caring for a client with bronchitis, what is the best way the nurse can prevent the spread of infection?
1. By empirical antibiotics
2. Hand washing
3. E.T Intubation
4. Vaccination

18. The nurse is caring for a client with Hepatitis A. What action puts the nurse at highest risk for being exposed to Hepatitis A?
1. Standing one foot away when the client coughs.
2. Suctioning the client.
3. Testing the client’s stool for occult blood.
4. Touching the client’s arm when providing comfort.

19. A nurse is caring for a client with a respiratory infection. Which of the following is the most important action by the nurse to prevent the transmission of infection?
1. Using unsterile gloves when contact with body fluid.
2. Washing hands after donning sterile gloves
3. Wearing a gown to protect skin and clothing.
4. Washing hands after the removal of soiled gloves.

20. The nurse must auscultate the lungs of a client in isolation. Which of the following is the best way to prevent the spread of microorganisms to other clients?
1. Detach a contaminated needle from its syringe before disposal.
2. Double-bag soiled equipment with impervious bags before removing it from the client’s room.
3. Keep the stethoscope used for that client in the room.
4. Remove personal protective equipment just outside the client’s door.

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Infection Control and Prevention – Rationale / Explanations:-

1.Standard precautions are meant to reduce the risk of transmission of blood borne and other pathogens from both recognized and unrecognized sources.
•They are the basic level of infection control precautions which are to be used, as a minimum, in the care of all patients.

2.Any substance that inhibits the growth and replication of a bacterium or kills it outright can be called an antibiotic.
•They either prevent the reproduction of bacteria, or they kill the bacteria, for example by stopping the mechanism responsible for building their cell walls.

3.Antibiotics are a type of antimicrobial designed to target bacterial infections within (or on) the body.
Systemic means affecting the entire body, rather than a single organ or body part. For example, systemic disorders, such as high blood pressure, or systemic diseases, such as the flu, affect the entire body.
•An infection that is in the bloodstream is called a systemic infection.

4. Negative-pressure airflow is used for airborne precautions.
Pulmonary TB is spread by airborne transmission and therefore negative-pressure airflow protection is required

5. A hospital-acquired infection (HAI), also known as a nosocomial infection, is an infection that is acquired in a hospital or other health care facility.
• To emphasize both hospital and nonhospital settings, it is sometimes instead called a health care–associated infection (HAI or HCAI)

6. An opportunistic infection is an infection caused by pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungi, or protozoa) that take advantage of an opportunity not normally available, such as a host with a weakened immune system, an altered micro biota (such as a disrupted gut micro biota), or breached integumentary barriers

7.Cycle of Infection Transmission:-
The way to stop germs from spreading is by interrupting this chain at any link.


9. Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) is due to a toxin-producing bacteria that causes a more severe form of antibiotic associated diarrhea.
•The disease ranges from mild diarrhea to severe colon inflammation that can even be fatal.
•C. difficile is a gram positive bacterium







16.Scabies is spread by prolonged skin-to-skin contact with a person who has scabies.
Scabies sometimes also can be spread by contact with items such as clothing, bedding, or towels that have been used by a person with scabies, but such spread is very uncommon unless the infested person has crusted scabies

17. Acute bronchitis due to infection is often transmitted through microscopic, airborne droplets that contain a germ and are produced when someone speaks, sneezes, or coughs.
• It can also be transmitted by shaking hands or other types of physical contact with an infected person

18. The hepatitis A virus is transmitted primarily by the faecal-oral route; that is when an uninfected person ingests food or water that has been contaminated with the faeces of an infected person

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Infection Control and Prevention Part – 2

Infection Control Nursing Quiz

When diagnosing an infection with Clostridium difficile, which type of specimen is necessary?
The plank pain and fever is the indication of which nosocomial infection
How does MRSA and other multi-drug-resistant organisms can be transmitted?
In VAP(Ventilator associated pneumonia) patient what is a standard angle of degree to the head end of the bed should be elevated?
Most health-care-associated infections are transmitted to patients:
What should you do after taking a break, before returning to work, in order to help prevent the spread of infection?
What is the most effective way to help prevent the spread of organisms?
Development of an infection occurs in a cycle that depends on the presence of all the following elements except which one?
Which of the following is not a hospital acquired infection or nosocomial infection?
When using alcohol-based hand rub, you should
Which of the following is not considered a portal of entry for bacteria?
Which one of the following hand drying method may spread more micro-organisms to hand and surrounding in recent studies?
Infection Control Nursing Quiz
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