Quiz Questions- Poisoning and Its Antidotes

Quiz Questions- Poisoning and It's Antidotes

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What medicine is used for treatment of Drug-induced movement disorders?
which is drug of choice in Isoniazid (INH) toxicity ?
Which of the following medicine can be used in severe lead poisoning ?
What medicine is useful to treat mushrooms poisoning?
Which of the following drug is used as an antidote of anticholinergic poisoning ?
What is the adult dose of naloxone in opioid poisoning?
In which poisoning the drug Penicillamine is administered as an antidote ?
Which drug is used in acetaminophen overdose ?
Which therapeutic agent is called the universal antidote?
In which poisoning the Digibind is used as an effective antidote ?
What will be the serum lithium level in Lithium toxicity?
Which of the following remedy used in the treatment of insulin overdose?
What you meant by Idiosyncrasy in pharmacology?
How does the overdose of Benzodiazepines is treated?
The drug Deferoxamine is administered in which drug overdose ?
The Oxygen inhalation is used in the treatment of ………. Poisoning
In which medicine overdose, the Protamine sulfate is administered ?
In which medicine overdose the Vitamin K is administered as an antidote ?
In Organophosphorus poisoning which of the following traditional medicine is used ?
Quiz Questions- Poisoning and It's Antidotes
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