AIIMS Rishikesh Staff Nurse Mock Test |AIIMS Rishikesh Question Paper

AIIMS Rishikesh Staff Nurse Mock Test

AIIMS Rishikesh Staff Nurse Mock Test will help you to prepare for AIIMS Rishikesh Nursing Exam on 23/1/20. This AIIMS Rishikesh Question Paper will help you to preapre better

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Total Quiz Questions=40
Mark/Question= 5
Total Marks=200

1. A client is a 7-year-old child with a fractured femur and extensive skin damage. Which type of traction does the nurse expect will be used?

a)Buck’s traction
b) 90-90 traction
c) Bryant’s traction
d) Russell traction

2. A client is admitted to the coronary care unit (CCU) after experiencing a myocardial infarction. Which Nursing diagnosis should be the priority?

a)Pain-related to cardiac ischemia
b) Risk for altered elimination, constipation
c) Anxiety-related to pain
d) Risk for complication, dysrhythmias

3. A nurse walks into a client’s room and finds the client lying still and silent on the floor. What should the nurse do next?

a)Assess the client’s airway
b) Call for help
c) Establish that the client is unresponsive
d) Determine if anyone saw the client fall

4. Milk is a poor source of?

b) Phosphorus
c) Iron
d) Calcium

5. Calciferol is a chemical name of?

a)Vitamin A
b) Vitamin D
c) Vitamin E
d) Vitamin K

6. Attack rate is?

a) Incidence of the disease
b) Prevalance of the disease
c) Killing power of the disease
d) Incubation period of the disease

7. The main reason for urbanization is?

a)Movement of population
b) Growth of agriculture
c) Development of means of communication
d) Industrialization

8. Who said sociology is a ‘value-free science’?

a)Max Weber
b) L.F. Ward
c) Herbert Spencer
d) Raymond Murry

9. Rorschach Inkblot test is used to assess?

c) Personality
d) Blood cancer

10. The ability to influence other people is called?

b) management
c) decision-making
d) supervision.

11. When caring for a restrained client, the nurse at least would plan to assess the placement of the restraint and the condition of the restrained area at which interval?

a)1/2 hour
b) 1-hour
c) 2 hours
d) 8 hours

12. How often would the nurse manager expect assessment data related to the need for a restraint to be recorded in the client’s record?

a)Every shift
b) Every 24 hours
c) Every 48 hours
d) Every 72 hours

13. Which new admission should the nurse plan to place in a private room with negative-pressure airflow?

a)A client with rubella
b) A client with strep throat
c) A client with measles
d) A client with TB of the bone

14. The risk of cold chain failure is greatest at?

a) Regional level
b) District level
c) PHC level
d) Subcentre & village level

15. Which of Freud’s theories deals with a model of the mind divided into three regions––conscious, unconscious, and preconscious?

b) Infantile sexuality
c) Structural
d) Topographic

16. A young man is often the object of his friends’ jokes because he drops to the floor whenever he is having a good laugh. Which of the following is this man most likely suffering from?

b) Narcolepsy
c) Hysteria
d) Drop seizures

17. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) exert their influence primarily by which of the following mechanisms?

a)Increasing GABA production
b) Blocking inactivation of biogenic amines
c) Decreasing norepinephrine
d) Decreasing serotonin

18. Which of the following findings is associated with non-REM (NREM) sleep?

a)Penile tumescence
b) Narcolepsy
c) Dreaming
d) Night terrors

19. The nature of vaginal secretion from puberty to menopause is usually?

b) Alkaline
c) Neutral
d) Both A and B

20. Oligospermia means sperm count?

a)<20 million / ml
b) <10 million / ml
c) <5 million / ml
d) <15 million / ml

21. Which of the following ethical principle refers to the duty to do good?


22. During which step of the nursing process does the nurse analyze data related to the patient’s health status?


23. Nonadherence to therapeutic regimens is a significant problem for which of the following age groups?
Middle-aged adults
Adults 65 and over

24. Which of the following methods of physical examination refers to translation of physical force into sound?

25. A steady-state within the body is termed?


26. An increase in the number of new cells in an organ or tissue that is reversible when the stimulus for the production of new cells is removed is termed?


27. Of the following stages as described by Kubler-Ross, which is initial?


28. To prevent foot drop, the positioned in?

A sidelying position
A sitting postion with legs hanging off the side of the bed
A semi-sitting position in bed
Order to keep the feet at right angles to the legs

29. Ageism refers to?

Loss of memory
Fear of old age
Bias against older people based solely on chronological age
Benign senescent forgetfulness

30. According to the classification of hypertension diagnosed in older adult, hypertension that can be attributed to an underlying cause is termed?

isoloated systolic

31. Which of the following term refers to the decrease in lens flexibility that occurs with age, resulting in the near point of focus getting farther away?


32. Which of the following electrolytes is a major anion in body fluid?

33. Oncotic pressure refers to?

The number of dissolved particle contained in a unit of fluid
The amount of pressure needed to stop flow of water by osmosis
The excretion of substances such as glucose through increased urine output
The osmotic pressure exerted by proteins

34. In which type of shock does the patient experience a mismatch of blood flow to the cells?


35. The nurse anticipates that the immunosuppressed patient is at greatest risk for which type of shock?


36. Which of the following colloids is expensive but rapidly expands plasma volume?

Lactated ringer
Hypertonic saline

37. Of the following terms, which is used to refer to the period of time during which mourning a loss takes place?


38. For individuals known to be dying by virtue of age and/ or diagnoses, which of the following sign indicate approaching death?

Increased wakefulness
Increased eating
Increased urinary output
Increased restlessness

39. A malignant tumor?

grows by expansion
gains access to the blood and lymphatic channel
demonstrates cells that are well-defrentiated
is usually slow growing

40. Which of the following classes of an antineoplastic agents is cell-cycle specific?

Antimetabolites (5-FU)
Antitumor antibiotics (bleomycin)
Alkalyting agents (cisplatin)

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AIIMS Rishikesh Staff Nurse Mock Test – Explanation/ Rationale

1. For fractures of the femur or tibia in children in this age group, 90 – 90 tractions are used, that is, the hip is flexed up to 90 degrees and the knees also flexed at 90 degrees. Either skin or skeletal traction can be used.

2. Pain-related to myocardial infarction is related to tissue ischemia of the cardiac muscle, potentially indicating ongoing heart damage, such as an extension of the infarction. Any cardiac pain/ discomfort should be treated as a priority.

3. The first step in CPR is to establish responsiveness. The nurse would then call for help and check the victim’s pulse ( for at least 5 seconds, but not more than 20 seconds). If there is no pulse, the nurse would perform chest compression.






9. Rorschach inkblot test is a projective method of psychological testing in which a person describes what he or she sees in 10 inkblots, of which some are black, gray and others have patches of color

10. Leadership is when a nurse leader can inspire the nursing staff to work together to accomplish the nursing unit’s goals

11. Proper placement of restraints as well as a skin condition, color, temperature, and sensation of restraint area must be checked at least once every hour.

12. The need for restraint must be reassessed and documented every 24 hours.

13. Negative-pressure airflow is used for airborne precautions.
Measles are spread by airborne transmission and therefore negative-pressure airflow protection is required.

16. Cataplexy refers to a sudden loss of muscle tone (ranging in severity from weakness in the knee to a total loss of tone) triggered by strong emotions, which takes place during full wakefulness

17. Monoamine oxidases inactivate biogenic amines such as norepinephrine, serotonin, dopamine, and tyramine through oxidative deamination.
The MAOIs block this inactivation, thereby increasing the availability of these neurotransmitters for synaptic release.

18. Night terrors are characterized by a partial awakening accompanied by screaming, thrashing, and autonomic arousal.
They are non-REM sleep events. An increase in blood pressure and heart rate, penile erection, and dreaming are associated with REM sleep.


20. The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies sperm counts at or above 15 million sperm per milliliter (mL) of semen as average. Anything below that is considered low and is diagnosed as oligospermia.
• Mild oligospermia is 10 to 15 million sperm/mL.
• Moderate oligospermia is considered 5 to 10 million sperm/mL.
Severe oligospermia is diagnosed when sperm counts fall between 0 and 5 million sperm/mL.

21. Fidelity refers to the duty to be faithful to one’s commitments
Veracity is the obligation to tell the truth
Nonmaleficence is the duty not to inflict, as well as to prevent and remove, harm, it is more binding than maleficence

22. Analysis of data is included as part of the assessment
Implementation is the actualization of the plan of care through nursing interventions
Diagnosis is the identification of patient problems
Evaluation is the determination of the patient responses to the nursing interventions and the extent to which the outcomes have been achieved

23. Elderly people frequently have one or more chronic illnesses that are managed with numerous medications and complicated by periodic acute episodes, making adherence difficult

24. Percussion translates the application of physical force into sound
Palpation refers to examination by non-forceful touching
Auscultation refers to the skill of listening to sound produced within the body created by the movement of air or fluid
Manipulation refers to the use of hands to determine the motion of a body part

25. When a change occurs that causes a body function to deviate from its stable range, the process is initiated to restore and maintain the steady-state or homeostasis

26. Hyperplasia occurs as cells multiply and are subjected to increased stimulation resulting in tissue mass enlargement
Hypertrophy is an increase in size and bulk of tissue that does not result from an increased number of cells
atrophy refers to a reduction in the size of a structure after having come to full maturity
With neoplasia, the increase in the number of new cells in an organ or tissue continues after the stimulus is removed

27. The stages of grief according to Kubler-Ross include denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance

28. When the patient is supine in bed, padded splints or protective boots are used

29. Individual demonstrating ageism base their belief and attitude about older people based upon chronological age without consideration of functional capacity

30. Secondary hypertension may be caused by a tumor of the adrenal gland (Eg., pheochromocytoma)
Isolated systolic hypertension is demonstrated by readings in which the systolic pressure exceeds 140 mmHg and the diastolic measurement is normal or near-normal (less than 90 mmHg)
Primary and essential hypertension have no underlying cause

31. Presbyopia usually begins in the fifth decade of life, when reading glasses are required to magnify objects

32. Chloride is a major anion found in the extracellular fluid.
Potassium, sodium, and calcium are cations

33. The oncotic pressure is a pulling pressure exerted by proteins, such as albumin

34. Distributive or vasogenic shock results from displacement of blood volume, creating a relative hypovolemia.

35. Septic shock is associated with immunosuppression, extreme age, malnourishment, chronic illness, and invasive procedures.

36. Albumin is a colloid that requires human donors, is limited in supply, and can cause congestive heart failure

37. Bereavement is the period of time during which mourning a loss takes place
Grief is the personal feelings that accompany an anticipated or actual loss.

38. As the oxygen supply to the brain decreases, the patient may become restless.

39. By this mechanism, the tumor metastasizes to other areas of the body

40. Antimetabolites are cell-cycle specific (S phase)
all other agents given are cell-cycle nonspecific

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