RCC Trivandrum Staff Nurse Exam Questions and Answers Part – 3

RCC Trivandrum Staff Nurse Exam Questions and Answers Part – 3

Community Health Nursing Part-1

Total Quiz Questions=30
Mark/Question= 5
Total Marks=150
RCC Trivandrum Staff Nurse Exam Questions and Answers.
You must try these nursing questions and answers before appearing any nursing interview, staff nurse exam or nursing school exam. It will be helpful for both nurses and student nurses.

  1. In blood pressure measurement the cuff wrapped too loosely results in
  2. a)False low reading.
    b)False high reading.
    c)False low systolic reading.
    d)False low diastolic reading.

  3. Which one of the following stages of pyrexia the body temperature has reached to maximum and remains constant at high level
  4. a)Invasion.

  5. The first in the sequence for donning personal protective equipment is
  6. a)Gown.
    b)Mask or respirator.

  7. Which of the following is a pathological waste
  8. a)Needles.
    c)Food waste.

  9. A patient is ordered normal saline 2000 ml IV in 24 hour. What is the rate of flow
  10. a)16 to 17 drops / min.
    b)20 to 21 drops / min.
    c)23 to 24 drops / min.
    d)25 to 26 drops / min.

  11. The angle of insertion for intradermal injection is
  12. a)15 degree.
    b)25 degree.
    c)45 degree.
    d)90 degree.

    7 . The tube inserted through the abdominal wall for gastrostomy feeding is

    a)Mallecot Catheter.
    b)Suprapubic catheter.
    c)Ryle’s tube.
    d)Nasogastric tube.

  13. Involuntary loss of urine associated with over distention of the bladder
  14. a)Reflex incontinence.
    b)Urge incontinence.
    c)Stress incontinence.
    d)Functional incontinence.

  15. The stage of sleep characterized by deep sleep is called
  16. a)Non rapid eye movement.
    b)Rapid eye movement.
    c)Sleep wake cycle.
    d)Sleep apnea.

  17. A system of family centered care to the dying clients
  18. a)Hospital.
    b)Adult day care center.
    d)Nursing home.

  19. One once is
  20. a)280 grains.
    b)380 grains.
    c)480 grains.
    d)28 grains.

  21. Calculating the pediatric dosage of medication for children under the age of 1 year is done using the formula
  22. a) Clark’s rule.
    b)Fried’s rule.
    c)Young’s rule.
    d)Evans formula.

  23. A complication of the hyper viscosity of polycythemia is
  24. a)Thrombosis.
    c)Pulmonary edema.

  25. Enema given to check bleeding and inflammation
  26. a)Purgative enema.
    b)Carminative enema.
    c)Astringent enema.
    d)Antihelmintic enema.

  27. Appropriate nursing actions when caring for a hospitalized patient with severe neutropenia include
  28. a)Perirectal care and platelet administration.
    b)Oral care and red blood cell administration.
    c)Monitoring lung sounds and invasive blood pressure.
    d)Strict hand washing and frequent temperature assessment.

  29. Important nursing responsibility for a patient having invasive cardiovascular diagnostic study is
  30. a)Checking the peripheral pulses and percutaneous site.
    b)Informing the patient that general anesthesia will be given.
    c)Instructing the patient about radioactive isotope injection.
    d)Assisting the patient to do surgical scrub of the insertion site.

  31. An effect of stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system is
  32. a)Dilation of skin blood vessels.
    b)Increased secretion of insulin.
    c)Contraction of the urinary sphincters.
    d)Decrease in peristalsis.

  33. During admission of a patient with a severe head injury to the emergency department, the nurse places the highest priority on assessment for
  34. a)Patency of airway.
    b)Presence of neck injury.
    c)Neurologic status with Glasgow coma scale.
    d)Cerebrospinal fluid leakage from the ears or nose.

  35. Which one of the following is a cause of hypercalcemia
  36. a)Hypo parathyroidism.
    b)Use of thiazide diuretics.
    c)Less intake of Vitamin D.

  37. Glycosylated hemoglobin is reflection of how well blood glucose levels have been controlled
  38. a)For the last 3 to 4 months.
    b)For the last 11 to 12 months.
    c)for the last 1 to 2 months.
    d)for the last 5 to 6 months.

  39. The nurse is instructing a client with hypertension on the importance of choosing foods low sodium. The nurse should teach the client to limit intake of which food
  40. a)Apple.
    c)Smoked sausage.
    d)Steamed vegetables.

  41. A client with parenteral nutrition infusion has disconnected the tubing from the central line catheter. The nurse assesses the client and suspects an air embolism. The nurse should immediately place the client in which position
  42. a)On the left side, with the head lower than the feet.
    b)On the left side, with the head higher than the feet.
    c)On the right side, with the head lower than the feet.
    d)On the right side, with the head higher than the feet.

  43. The amount of potassium chloride in oral rehydration mixture
  44. a)4.5 gm/l.
    b)3.5 gm/l.
    c)2.5 gm/l.
    d)1.5 gm/l.

  45. Lumbar sympathectomy relieves
  46. a)Spinal cord compression.
    b)Trigeminal neuralgia.
    d)Multiple myeloma.

  47. The life threatening complication of fracture femur is
  48. a)compartment syndrome.
    c)Fat embolism.

  49. Code of ethics for nurses is
  50. a)Set of rules.
    b)Guideline for professional behavior.
    c)Set of right behavior.
    d)set of ethical issues.

  51. A client received a transfusion of platelets. The nurse evaluates that the client is benefiting from this therapy if the client exhibits the finding
  52. a)Increased hematocrit level.
    b)Increased hemoglobin level.
    c)Decline of elevated temperature to normal.
    d)Decreased oozing of blood from puncture sites and gums.

  53. While performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation or CPR on and adult client. When performing chest compressions, the nurse should depress the sternum how many inches
  54. a)¾ inch.
    b)1 inch.
    c)2 inches.
    d)3 inches.

  55. Carpel tunnel syndrome is caused by
  56. a)Pressure on cephalic vein.
    b)Damage to lower motor neuron.
    c)Pressure on median nerve.
    d)Injury to wrist.

  57. Surgical fusion of a joint is known as
  58. a)Arthrodesis.

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