RAK College Of Nursing MSc Entrance Previous Question Paper

RAK College Of Nursing MSc Entrance Previous Question Paper

1 To prevent foot drop in a client with Buck’s extension, the nurse should?
1. Place pillow under the clients heals
2. Tuck the sheets into the foot of the bed
3. Teach the client isometric exercises
4. Ensure proper body Repositioning
The correct answer is to ensure proper body positioning

2. A comatose client is at risk for the development of pressure ulcers, therefore the nurse should include which of the following activity in the plan of care?
1. Massage red areas on bony prominence regularly
2. Wash skin with soap and water frequently
3. Use the donut-shaped cushion on the sacral region
4. Establish an individualized turning schedule
The correct answer is to establish an individualized turning schedule

3. A nurse is teaching a new hemodialysis client. Hemodialysis is successful in the treatment of ESRD because it?
1. Mimics renal function
2. Restores renal endocrine function
3. Restores urinary ability
4. Improves immune function
The correct answer is mimicking the renal function

4. Using the rule of nine, the nurse determines the percentage of the body burnt, a client with both arms burnt to be?
1. 9%
2. 36%
3. 18%
4. 1%
The correct answer is 18%

5. Which intervention is appropriate for the client with skeletal traction?
1. Pin care
2. Prone positioning
3. Intermittent weights
4. 5 lb weight limit
The correct answer is pin care

6. A client underwent an endoscopy of the upper GI tract. The nursing care plan should include which of the following?
1. Administering analgesics for pain
2. Withholding food until gag reflex is present
3. Positioning the client on the right side
4. Observing the client for rectal bleeding
The correct answer is withholding the food until gag reflex is present

7. The nursing care for a client with an arteriovenous (AV) fistula aimed at maintaining patency include?
1. Taking BP in the affected area
2. Applying heat to maintain circulation
3. Palpating for a bruit
4. Keeping the arm free of constriction
The correct answer is keeping the arm free of constriction

8. A nurse is assigned to care for a group of clients. On the review of the client’s medical records, the nurse determines which client is at risk for fluid excess?
1. The client with an ileostomy
2. The client with renal failure
3. The client with diuretics
4. The client is on GI suctioning
The correct answer is the client with renal failure

9. A nurse plans care with COPD knowing that the client is most likely to experience what type of acid-base balance?
1. Respiratory acidosis
2.Respiratory alkalosis
3. Metabolic acidosis
4. Metabolic alkalosis
The correct answer is respiratory acidosis

10. Which of the following arterial blood gas values is consistent with metabolic acidosis?
1. PH 7.35
2. PaCO2 48 mm of Hg
3. Bicarbonate 16 mEq/L
4. SpO2 90%
The correct answer is Bicarbonate 16 mEq/L

11. After 48 hours, successful fluid resuscitation of a burn victim can be evaluated by?
1. Weight
2. Urine output
3. Urine specific gravity
4. Peripheral perfusion
The correct answer is urine output

12. An end-stage AIDS client required suctioning when performing this task the nurse is correct to wear?
1. A mask and eye protection
2. Sterile gloves and eye protection
3. A mask and sterile gloves
4. A mask, eye protection, and sterile gloves
The correct answer is A mask, eye protection, and sterile gloves

13. A nurse assessing a client who has been taking diuretics on a long term basis. A fluid volume deficit is suspected. Which assessment finding would be noted in a client with this condition?
1. Rales
2. B.P
3. Hematocrit
4. CVP
The correct answer is CVP

14. The most common cause of retinal detachment is?
1. Diabetes mellitus
2. Trauma
3. Degenerative changes in the retina and vitreous
4. Brain tumors
The correct answer is diabetes mellitus

15. A client with cancer is receiving chemotherapy and develops thrombocytopenia. A nurse identifies which intervention as the highest priority in the nursing care plan?
1. Ambulation three times daily
2. Monitoring temperature
3. Monitoring the platelet count
4. Monitoring for pathological fractures
The correct answer is monitoring the platelet count

16. To which collaborative health care team member should be nurse refer the client to the late stages of myasthenia gravis?
1. Occupational therapist
2. Recreational therapist
3. Vocational therapist
4. Speech therapist
The correct answer is the speech therapist

17. A nurse is preparing to care for the client with a potassium deficit, the nurse reviews the client’s record and determines that the client is at risk for developing hypokalemia because of the client?
1. is on K sparing diuretics
2. is on nasogastric suctioning
3. has a history of renal disease
4. has a history of Addison’s disease
The correct answer is the client is on nasogastric suctioning

18. A nurse is changing the central line dressing of a client receiving TPN. She notes that the catheter insertion site appears reddened. Does the nurse assess which of the following?
1. The tightness of the tubing connection
2. Client’s temperature
3. The expiration date on the bag
4. Time of the last dressing changes
The correct answer is the client’s temperature

19. The nurse is preparing to hang fat emulsion. The nurse notes that fat globules are visible at the top of the solution. The nurse takes which of the following action?
1. Runs the bottle of the solution under warm water
2. Roll the bottle of solution gently
3. Shakes the bottle of solution vigorously
4. Obtains a different bottle of solution
The correct answer is to obtain a different bottle of solution

20. A client has just undergone the insertion of a central venous catheter at the bedside. A nurse would be sure to check the results of which of the following before increasing the flow rate of the IV solution attached to the line?
1. Serum electrolytes
2. Serum osmolality
3. Portable chest x-ray
4. Intake – output chart
The correct answer is portable chest x-ray

21. A nurse is assisting a physician with the removal of a chest tube. The nurse the most appropriate instruction to the client to?
1. Stay very still
2. Inhale and exhale quickly
3. Exhale as the tube is pulled output
4. Perform Valsalva maneuver
The correct answer is to perform Valsalva maneuver

22. A nurse is caring for a client who goes into ventricular tachycardia. Which should be the nurse implement first?
1. Call a code immediately
2. Assess the pulse of a client
3. Begin chest compression
4. Continue to monitor the patient
The correct answer is to begin chest compression

23. Which laboratory finding confirms the diagnosis of congestive heart failure?
1. Chest X-ray
2. Liver function test
3. Blood urea nitrogen
4. Beta-type natriuretic peptide (BNP)
the correct answer is Beta-type natriuretic peptide (BNP)

24. Which assessment data should the nurse assess in the client diagnosed with Guillan Barre syndrome?
1. An exaggerated startle reflex and memory changes
2. Cogwheel rigidity and inability to initiate voluntary movement
3. Sudden severe unilateral facial pain and inability to chew
4. Progressive ascending paralysis of the lower extremities and numbness
The correct answer is Progressive ascending paralysis of the lower extremities and numbness

25. The client is diagnosed with Glaucoma, which symptom would the nurse expect the client to report?
1. Halos around the lights
2. Floating spots in the vision
3. A yellow haze around everything
4. A curtain coming across the vision
The correct answer is halos around the lights

26. Which referral would be most important for the client with permanent hearing loss?
1. Aural rehabilitation
2. Speech therapist
3. Social worker
4. Vocational rehabilitation
The correct answer is aural rehabilitation

27. The nurse finds the client unresponsive on the floor of the bathroom. Which action should the nurse implement first?
1. Check the client for breathing
2. Assess the carotid artery for pulse
3. Shake the client and shout
4. Call a code via the bathroom call lights
The correct answer shakes the client and shouts for checking responsiveness

28. The nurse is caring for a client diagnosed with COPD. Which data would warrant immediate intervention by the nurse?
1. The client’s pulse oximeter reading is 92%
2. The client arterial blood gas level is 7.4
3. The client has SOB when walking to the bathroom
4. The client’s sputum is rusty colored
The correct answer is The client’s sputum is rusty colored

29. Which type of precaution should the nurse implement to protect from being exposed to any of the hepatitis viruses?
1. Airborne precaution
2. Standard precaution
3. Droplet precaution
4. Exposure precaution
The correct answer is a standard precaution

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