Gastrointestinal System Questions and Answers 2023

Gastrointestinal System Questions and Answers 2023

1. What is the primary function of the gastrointestinal tract system?
a. Absorption of nutrients
b. Move food through the digestive tract
c. Produce hormones
d. All of the above

2. What type of cells line the internal walls of the gastrointestinal tract?
a. Muscle cells
b. Epithelial cells
c. Neural cells
d. Both A and C

3. What organ is responsible for the production of digestive juices?
a. Liver
b. Pancreas
c. Stomach
d. Small intestine

4. What is the primary purpose of the small intestine?
a. Absorb water
b. Break down food
c. Store waste
d. All of the above

5. What is the name of the layer of cells that forms the inner lining of the gastrointestinal tract?
a. Muscularis mucosa
b. Mucosa
c. Submucosa
d. Serosa

6. What is the main purpose of large intestine?
a. Break down food
b. Absorb water
c. Produce hormones
d. All of the above

7. What is the primary organ responsible for digestion of food?
a. Liver
b. Small intestine
c. Pancreas
d. Stomach

8. What is the primary enzyme responsible for breaking down carbohydrates?
a. Lipase
b. Protease
c. Amylase
d. Nucleases

9. What is the role of intestinal flora in digestion?
a. Break down proteins
b. Break down nucleic acids
c. Break down complex molecules
d. All of the above

10. What is the function of stomach acid?
a. Break down food
b. Absorb nutrients
c. Kill bacteria
d. All of the above

What is the function of the small intestine?
a. To store food
b. To digest food
c. To transport food
d. To absorb nutrients

What is the function of the esophagus?
a. To store food
b. To digest food
c. To transport food
d. To break down food

What is the main function of the stomach?
a. To store food
b. To digest food
c. To transport food
d. To break down food

What is the role of the pancreas in digestion?
a. To store food
b. To digest food
c. To transport food
d. To produce digestive enzymes

What is the primary function of the liver?
a. To store food
b. To digest food
c. To produce bile
d. To break down food

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