Table of Contents
Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing

Nursing ethical dilemmas are situations where there is a conflict between two or more ethical principles or values that must be considered in making a decision. In nursing, ethical dilemmas can arise when there is a conflict between the nurse’s duty to promote the patient’s well-being and the patient’s autonomy or the family’s wishes.
These situations may involve complex moral and legal issues that require careful consideration and resolution. Resolving ethical dilemmas in nursing requires a comprehensive understanding of ethical principles, values, and decision-making frameworks, as well as effective communication and collaboration with other members of the healthcare team.
Ethical dilemmas can emerge in a range of nursing circumstances, including patient care, research, and management.
Nursing Ethics Principles
- Autonomy: The principle of respecting a patient’s right to make decisions about their own healthcare and treatment.
- Beneficence: The principle of doing good or promoting the patient’s welfare.
- Non-maleficence: The principle of avoiding harm or doing no harm to the patient.
- Justice: The principle of treating all patients fairly and equally, without discrimination.
- Fidelity: The principle of keeping promises and being faithful to obligations and responsibilities.
- Veracity: The principle of telling the truth and being honest with patients.
- Confidentiality: The principle of protecting a patient’s privacy and maintaining the confidentiality of their personal information.
Challenges in Dealing with Nursing Ethical Dilemmas
Dealing with ethical dilemmas in nursing can be challenging for several reasons. Firstly, nurses often face time constraints and pressure to make quick decisions, which can affect the quality of their judgment.
Secondly, ethical dilemmas can cause emotional distress and moral suffering, leading to burnout and compassion fatigue. Thirdly, there may be a lack of clarity or ambiguity in ethical guidelines or principles, making it difficult to determine the right course of action.
The question of informed consent is a major ethical dilemma in nursing. Nurses are responsible for ensuring that patients understand the risks and advantages of their treatment options and have the necessary knowledge to make informed decisions.
Patients, on the other hand, may not always be able to provide informed consent, or they may be bullied or pressured into making particular decisions. In such circumstances, nurses must navigate complicated legal and ethical frameworks to ensure that patients’ rights are maintained.
Another ethical dilemma in nursing is resource allocation. When faced with limited resources, such as medications or equipment, nurses must decide how to share these resources in a fair and equitable manner. When there is a lack of life-saving medication or equipment, for example, a nurse may need to determine which patient to prioritize.
Such judgments can have serious ethical implications, and nurses must balance the requirements of particular patients and the greater ethical principles of justice and fairness.
Nurses may also encounter dilemmas when providing end-of-life care. Patients and families may have differing perspectives on what level of care is appropriate near the end of life, and nurses must navigate these disparities to ensure that patients receive the care they require and deserve.
This can include judgments about withholding or withdrawing medication, managing pain and suffering, and providing support to patients and families as they die.
Nurses must have a solid ethical framework and the ability to assess complex situations and make difficult decisions in order to navigate ethical dilemmas in nursing. They must also have the guts to speak up when they detect ethical violations or concerns and advocate for their patient’s best interests.
Finally, nurses must have access to resources and support, such as ethics committees or consultation services, to help them navigate these complex ethical issues.
Ethical Issues in Nursing
Nursing is a wonderful profession established on ethical principles. Nurses are supposed to follow an ethical code that governs their behavior and decision-making. Despite this, ethical difficulties in nursing continue to be a major concern. Some of the most common ethical issues in nursing are as follows:
Patient autonomy
Patients have the freedom to make their own healthcare decisions, including refusing treatment or receiving therapy that may not be in their best interests. Nurses must respect their patients’ autonomy and collaborate with them in order for them to make informed decisions.
Nurses have access to sensitive patient information and must preserve the privacy of their patients. This includes not disclosing patient information to anyone unless absolutely necessary for patient care.
End-of-life care
Nurses may be called upon to care for dying patients. They must respect the patient’s preferences for end-of-life care and collaborate with the patient and family to give comfort and support.
Informed Consent
Nurses must ensure that patients receive all of the information they need to make informed decisions about their care. This includes informing the patient about the risks and advantages of treatment alternatives and getting informed consent.
Resource Allocation
Nurses may have to make difficult decisions regarding how to allocate limited resources such as medications, equipment, and staff time. They must balance the requirements of individual patients with the needs of the broader healthcare system.
Nurses must treat all patients equally, regardless of color, gender, sexual orientation, or other personal traits. They must also fight to eliminate discrimination in healthcare and advocate for all patients’ rights.
Conflict of interest
Nurses must avoid circumstances in which their personal interests or relationships may conflict with their professional responsibilities. Avoiding conflicts of interest with patients, colleagues, or employers is part of this.
The impact of ethical problems on nurses and patients:
Both nurses and patients can suffer as a result of ethical issues. Ethical issues can lead to stress, fatigue, dissatisfaction, irritation, wrath, guilt, humiliation, anxiety, depression, or even PTSD in nurses. Patient’s quality of life, dignity, autonomy, well-being, trust, and contentment with care can all be impacted by ethical dilemmas.
The ethical principles and frameworks that guide nursing practice
Ethical principles are general guidelines that assist nurses in making ethical decisions. Autonomy (respecting patients’ choices), beneficence (doing good), nonmaleficence (avoiding harm), justice (treating people fairly), fidelity (keeping promises), veracity (saying the truth), and confidentiality (protecting privacy) are some basic ethical concepts.
Ethical frameworks are systematic ways that help nurses understand and resolve ethical problems. Deontology (duty-based), utilitarianism (outcome-based), virtue ethics (character-based), care ethics (relationship-based), and principlism (principle-based) are some common ethical systems
Ethical Framework | Focus | Key Principles | Strengths | Weaknesses |
Care Ethics | Relationships | Compassion, empathy, caring for others | Emphasizes the importance of caring relationships, acknowledges the role of emotions in ethical decision-making | Can be seen as overly focused on personal relationships, and may not provide clear guidance in situations that involve competing interests |
Virtue Ethics | Character | Developing moral character, cultivating virtues | Emphasizes the importance of developing moral character and virtues to guide ethical decision-making | Can be seen as subjective and difficult to apply consistently across different situations |
Deontology | Rules and Duties | Universal moral rules or duties | Provides a clear set of moral rules and duties to guide ethical decision-making | Can be seen as inflexible and may not account for the complexities of real-world situations |
The best practices and strategies for addressing ethical issues in nursing
Best practices are evidence-based guidelines that assist nurses in improving their ethical performance. Following the ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses, seeking continual ethics education, creating an environment where nurses can speak up, bringing diverse disciplines together, providing ethics experts, adding unit-based ethics mentors, organizing family conferences, sponsoring ethics journals or book clubs, employing clinical ethics consultation services, participating in ethics committees, documenting ethical issues, implementing ethical concepts and frameworks are some best practices.
Current Nursing Ethics Trends and Challenges
Nursing ethics trends are changes or developments that affect nursing ethics. Globalization, technical innovation, diversity, consumerism, social media, pandemics, and other current phenomena are examples. Nursing ethics are hampered by challenges or barriers. Inadequate resources and staffing are two current challenges.
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