Genitourinary System Questions and Answers
1) Which of the following is the most common initial manifestation of acute renal failure?
a. Dysuria
b. Anuria
c. Hematuria
d. Oliguria
2) Which of the following indicate that the client has developed a complication after the cystoscopy?
a. Dizziness
b. chills
c. Pink-tinged urine
d. Bladder spasms
3) After surgery for an ileal conduit, the nurse should closely assess the client for the occurrence of which of the following complications related to pelvic surgery?
a. Peritonitis
b. Thrombophlebitis
c. Ascites
d. Inguinal hernia
4) In addition to nausea and severe flank pain, a female client with renal calculi has pain in the groin and bladder. The nurse should assess the client further for signs of:
a. Nephritis
b. Referred pain
c. Urine retention
d. Additional stone formation
5) The client’s blood urea nitrogen (BUN) concentration is elevated in acute renal failure. What is the likely cause?
a. Fluid retention
b. Hemolysis of red blood cells
c. Below-normal metabolic rate
d. Reduced renal blood flow
6) A client with acute renal failure has an increase in the serum potassium level. The nurse should monitor the client for?
a. Cardiac arrest.
b. Pulmonary edema.
c. Circulatory collapse.
d. Hemorrhage.
7) Which of the following abnormal blood values would not be improved by dialysis treatment?
a. Elevated serum creatinine level
b. Hyperkalemia
c. Decreased hemoglobin concentration
d. Hypernatremia
8) In the oliguric phase of acute renal failure, the nurse should assess the client for?
a. Pulmonary edema
b. Metabolic alkalosis
c. Hypotension
d. Hypokalemia
9) Which of the following symptoms would most likely indicate that the client has pyelonephritis?
a. Ascites
b. Costovertebral angle or CVA tenderness
c. Polyuria
d. Nausea and vomiting
10) Which of the following assessments would be most appropriate for the nurse to make while the dialysis solution is dwelling within the client’s abdomen?
a. Assess for urticaria
b. Observe respiratory status
c. Check capillary refill time
d. Monitor electrolyte status
11) What is the primary disadvantage of using peritoneal dialysis for long-term management of chronic renal failure?
a. The danger of hemorrhage is high
b. It cannot correct severe imbalances
c. It is a time-consuming method of treatment
d. The risk of contracting hepatitis is high
12) Which of the following nursing interventions should be included in the client’s plan of care during dialysis therapy?
a. Limit the client’s visitors
b. Monitor the client’s blood pressure
c. Pad the side rails of the bed
d. Keep the client on nothing-by-mouth (NPO)status
13) The dialysis solution is warmed before use in peritoneal dialysis primarily to?
a. Encourage the removal of serum urea
b. Force potassium back into the cells
c. Add extra warmth to the body
d. Promote abdominal muscle relaxation
14) A client has stress incontinence. Which of the following data from the client’s history contributes to the client’s incontinence?
a. The client’s intake of 2 to 3 L of fluid per day
b. The client’s history of three full-term pregnancies
c. The client’s age of 45 years
d. The client’s history of competitive swimming
15) Which of the following interventions would be most appropriate for a client who has urge incontinence?
a. Have the client urinate on a timed schedule
b. Provide a bedside commode
c. Administer prophylactic antibiotics
d. Teach the client intermittent self-catheterization technique
Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing Questions and Answers
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