What is the best and most accurate method of measuring the medication dosage for infants and children?
a). Weight
b). Weight and Height
c). Nomogram
d). Height
The APGAR score should be assessed?
a). Immediately after birth and at 30 minutes after birth
b). At 5 minutes after birth and at 30 minutes after birth
c). At 1 minute after birth and at 5 minutes after birth
d). Immediately after birth and at 5 minutes after birth
The modern concept of pediatrics means?
a). Short term care of the child
b). Basic care of the child
c). Continuous and preventive care of whole child
d). Terminally ill care of the child
Peeling of the palms and the soles is not the characteristic feature of?
a). Chickenpox
b). Scarlet fever
c). Kawasaki disease
d). Tinea infection
Which information obtained from the mother of a child with cerebral palsy most likely correlates to the diagnosis?
a). She was born at 42 weeks gestation
b). She had physiologic jaundice after delivery
c). She had meningitis when she was 6 months old
d). She has frequent sore throats
Which of the following is best describes the language of a 24-month old?
a). Doesn’t understand yes and no
b). Understands the meaning of words
c). Able to verbalize needs
d). Continuously asks “Why?” to most of the topics
Which of the following examples represents parallel play?
a). Jenny and Tommy share their toys
b). Jimmy plays with his car beside Mary, who is playing with her doll
c). Kevin plays a game of Scrabble with Kathy and Sue
d). Mary plays with a handheld game while sitting in her mother’s lap
Assuming that all have achieved normal cognitive and emotional development, which of the following children is at greatest risk for accidental poisoning?
a). At 6-month old
b). A 4 year old
c). A 10 year old
d). A 13 year old
The nurse is caring for a 6 year old client admitted with the diagnosis of conjunctivitis
Before administering eye drops, the nurse should recognize that it is essential to consider?
a). The eye should be cleansed with warm water, removing any exudates, before instilling the eye drops
b). The child should be allowed to instill his own eye drops
c). The mother should be allowed to instill the eye drops
d). If the eye is clear of any redness or edema, the eye drop should be held
A patient approached nurse asking for advice on how to deal with his alcohol addiction. Nurse should tell the client that the only effective treatment for alcoholism is?
a). Psychotherapy
b). Alcohol anonymous
c). Total abstinence
d). Aversion therapy
Nurse is caring for a male client who experience false sensory perceptions with no basis in reality. This perception is known as?
a). Hallucinations
b). Delusions
c). Loose associations
d). Neologisms
Nurse is developing a plan of care for a female client with anorexia nervosa. Which action should the nurse include in the plan?
a). Provide privacy during meals
b). Set-up a strict eating plan for the client
c). Encourage client to exercise to reduce anxiety
d). Restricts visits with the family
A client is experiencing anxiety attack. The most appropriate nursing intervention should include?
a). Turning on the television
b). Leaving the client alone
c). Staying with the client and speaking in short sentences
d). Ask the client to play with other clients
A 20 year old client was diagnosed with dependent personality disorder, Which behavior is most likely to be evidence of ineffective individual coping?
a). Recurrent self-destructive behavior
b). Avoiding relationship
c). Showing interest in solitary activities
d). Inability to make choices and decision without advice
A male client is diagnosed with schizotypal personality disorder. Which signs would this client exhibit during social situation?
a). Paranoid thoughts
b). Emotional affect
c). Independence need
d). Aggressive behavior
Nurse is caring a client diagnosed with bulimia nervosa. The most appropriate initial goal for a client diagnosed with bulimia nervosa is?
a). Encourage to avoid foods
b). Identify anxiety causing situations
c). Eat only three meals a day
d). Avoid shopping plenty of groceries
A neuromuscular blocking agent is administered to a client before ECT therapy. The nurse should carefully observe the client for?
a). Respiratory difficulties
b). Nausea and vomiting
c). Dizziness
d). Seizures
A 75 year old client is admitted to the hospital with the diagnosis of dementia of the Alzheimer’s type and depression. The symptom that is unrelated to depression would be?
a). Apathetic response to the environment
b). “I don’t know” answer to questions
c). Shallow of labile effect
d). Neglect of personal hygiene
Nurse is aware that major health complication associated with intractable anorexia nervosa would be?
a). Cardiac dysrhythmias resulting to cardiac arrest
b). Glucose intolerance resulting in protracted hypoglycemia
c). Endocrine imbalance causing cold amenorrhea
d). Decreased metabolism causing cold intolerance
A 39 year old mother with obsessive-compulsive disorder has become immobilized by her elaborate hand washing and walking rituals. Nurse recognizes that the basis of Obsessive compulsive disorder is often?
a). Problems with being too conscientious
b). Problems with anger and remorse
c). Feeling of guilt and inadequacy
d). Feeling of unworthiness and hopelessness
A patient with borderline personality disorder who is to be discharged soon threatens to “do something” to herself if discharged. Which of the following actions by the nurse would be most important?
a). Ask a family member to stay with the client at home temporarily
b). Discuss the meaning of client’s statement with her
c). Request an immediate extension for the client
d). Ignore the clients statement because it’s a sign of manipulation
A patient with antisocial personality disorder belches loudly. A staff member asks “Do you know why people find you repulsive?” this statement most likely would elicit which of the following client reaction?
a). Defensiveness
b). Embarrassment
c). Shame
d). Remorseful
Which of the following approaches would be most appropriate to use with a client suffering from narcissistic personality disorder when discrepancies exist between what the client states and what actually exist?
a). Rationalization
b). Supportive confrontation
c). Limit setting
d). Consistency
Which of the following foods would the nurse eliminate from the diet of a client in alcohol withdrawal?
a). Milk
b). Orange juice
c). Tea
d). Regular coffee
A woman is 37 weeks pregnant and she is bleeding profusely with no pain is suggestive of?
a). Ante partum hemorrhage
b). Unavoidable hemorrhage
c). Accidental hemorrhage
d). Concealed hemorrhage
Puerperal woman is more susceptible to venous thrombosis due to?
a). Increased viscosity of blood due to dehydration
b). Decreased viscosity of blood during labor
c). Stasis of blood in veins due to late ambulation
d). Increased intake of fat in diet
The breast feeding mother of an infant with lactose intolerance asks the nurse about dietary measures. The nurse tells the mother to avoid?
a). Hard cheese
b). Green leafy vegetables
c). Dried beans
d). Egg yolk
The cause of change in size and appearance of breasts during pregnancy?
a). The breast changes are due to secretion of estrogen and progesterone
b). The breasts become stretched because of the weight gain
c). The increased metabolic rate causes the breasts to become larger
d). Cortisol secreted by the adrenal glands play a factor in increasing the size and appearance of breasts
A pregnant woman has a positive history of genital herpes but has no lesions during the present pregnancy. The nurse should plan to provide which of the following information to the client?
a). You will be isolated from your newborn infant following delivery
b). You will be evaluated at the time of delivery for herpetic genital tract lesions, and if lesions are present a cesarean delivery will be needed
c). There is little risk to your newborn infant during this pregnancy, birth and following delivery
d). Vaginal deliveries can reduce neonatal infection risks even if you have an active lesion at birth
A rubella vaccine is prescribed to be administered to a two days postpartum client. The nurse preparing to administer the vaccine develops a list of the potential risks associated with this vaccine. The nurse reviews the list with the client and the cautions the client to avoid?
a). Sunlight for 3 days
b). Scratching the injection site
c). Pregnancy for 2 to 3 months after the vaccination
d). Sexual intercourse for 2 to 3 months after the vaccination
A prenatal client with a history of heart disease has been instructed on care at home. Which statement if made by the client would indicate that client understands her needs?
a). There is no restriction on people who visit me
b). I should avoid stressful situations
c). My weight gain is not important
d). I should rest on my right side
A contraction stress test is scheduled for the pregnant client, and the client asks the nurse about the test. The nurse tells the client that?
a). Small amount of oxytocin(Pitocin) are administered during internal fetal monitor to stimulate uterine contraction
b). An external fetal monitor is attached and the woman ambulates on a treadmill until contractions begins
c). The uterus is stimulated to contract by the use of small amounts of oxytocin (Pitocin) or by the nipple stimulation
d). Uterine contractions are stimulated by Leopold’s maneuver’s
A client is scheduled for a pap smear. The nurse provides instructions to the client regarding preparation for the test?
a). The test can be performed during menstruation
b). Fluids are restricted on the day of the test
c). The test is painless
d). Vaginal douching is required 2 hours before the test
The nurse is teaching a pregnant client about the morning sickness in pregnancy. Which of the following sign & symptom would indicate a need for further education?
a). Visual disturbances
b). Rapid weight gain
c). Generalized or facial edema
d). The presence of irregular and painless contraction
A nurse needs to check the most important parameter if patient is on magnesium sulphate therapy?
a). Urine output greater than 30 ml/hr
b). Presence of knee jerk reflex
c). Respiration is greater than 12 per minute
d). Blood pressure less than 140/90 mm Hg
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