Nursing Tutor, Staff Nurse & Ward Sister Vacancy at LGBRIMH Assam

Nursing Tutor and Staff Nurse Vacancy 2021 at LGBRIMH Assam

Applications on the prescribed format are invited from the citizens of India for filling up the following posts by direct recruitment basis as specified below so as to reach by 10.01,2022.

Post Name:

  1. Nursing Tutor
  2. Staff Nurse
  3. Ward Sister


LGB REGIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH (An Autonomous body under Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India), Post Box No. 15, TEZPUR:: 784OO1, ASSAM

Pay Scale:

Nursing TutorLevel 7, 7 CPC
Staff Nurse Level 7, 7 CPC
Ward SisterLevel 8, 7 CPC

Number of vacancies:

Nursing Tutor05 (UR: 04, SC: 01)
Staff Nurse10 (UR: 04, OBC: 03, SC: 02, EWS: 01)
Ward Sister03 (SC: 01, ST: 01, OBC: 01)

Educational Details:

Nursing TutorEssential:
I) Master’s Degree in Psychiatric Nursing with at least 55% marks from a recognized University/institution
ii)Registered as Nurse and Midwife with central or state Nursing Council.
I) 2 years post-M.Sc teaching and research experience in a mental hospital or psychiatric department or a general hospital/recognized teaching institution
Staff NurseEssential:
i) HSSLC Passed
ii) Registered Nurse (GNM/B.Sc. Nursing)
iii) Registration with INC or State Nursing Council is a must.
Ward SisterEssential:
I) HSSLC Passed
ii) Registered Nurse (GNM/B. Sc Nursing)
iii) Registration with INC or State Nursing Council is a must
iv) 5 years of minimum experience as a staff nurse in a 100 bedded govt. hospital.

Age Limit:

Nursing Tutor35 Years
Staff Nurse35 Years
Ward Sister35 Years
Age Relaxation applicable as per govt. rule

Application Starts: 10/12/2021

Last date of Application: 10/01/2022

Application Fee:

A bank draft of Rs 100/- to be drawn in favor of the Director, LGBRIMH, Tezpur

Nursing TutorRs 100/-
Staff NurseRs 100/-
Ward Sister Rs 100/-

How to Apply: Offline – Through Speed post

The application in prescribed format is to be accompanied with a bank draft of Rs 100/- to be drawn in favor of the Director, LGBRIMH, Tezpur, and attested copies of all certificates/ one PP size photograph

The envelope containing the application should be superscribed with “Application for the post of ___________________

The complete filled application should be sent to,

The Administrative Officer, LGBRIMH, Tezpur, Assam – 784001

Download Application Form:

Original Notification: Click Here

Official Website:

E-Mail: [email protected]

Fax No.: (03712) 233623

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