Based on the performance in NORCET-2020 conducted by AIIMS, New Delhi and online document verification,
subsequent submission of essential documents, and approval of the Competent Authority the following candidates have been found eligible after due verification for the post of Nursing Officer (Group-B) in AIIMS, Bhubaneswar in terms of AIIMS, New Delhi Notice. No. 106/2020 dated 05.08.2020:-
- Name of the Post : Nursing Officer
Pay Scale/PB & GP : Level-7 of the Pay Matrix of the Seventh Pay Commission
(PB-02 of Rs.9300-34800/- with Grade Pay of Rs.4600/-)
AIIMS Bhubaneswar Nursing Officer Selection List – Click Here
- The candidates are advised to visit the Institute’s website i.e. for downloading different
proforma to be completed and submitted at the time of joining in case of those who have been issued Offer of
Appointment. - The above result is provisional subject to fulfilment of all eligibility criteria as per the advertisement and Rules & Regulations of the Institute. In case, it is found that any of the above candidate is not fulfilling any of the eligibility
criteria or not meeting the Rules & Regulations of the Institute at any stage, his/her selection will be treated as
cancelled. - The Offer of Appointments to the above-mentioned provisionally selected candidates will be issued shortly. The issue
of the Offer of Appointments and their subsequent joining will be subject to outcome of the various OAs/cases pending before the Hon’ble CAT & Other Courts, if any. - Further, the candidates who have submitted the Documents and their names have not been reflected in the above
notification their status will be intimated in due course of time. - IMPORTANT: Beware of the touts who may misguide the candidates with false promises of getting them selected for the job on illegal consideration.