Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology Bangalore Staff Nurse Exam(Bsc Nursing) Provisional Answer Key Part – 1

NB: Answer key is provisional only, the final answer key is not yet published by the Authority.

Staff Nurse Exam(Bsc. Nursing) Questions with Provisional Answer Key Part – 1( Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology Bangalore)

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1. A patient with meningitis has photophobia and a severe headache, which nursing interventions will be most helpful to relieve symptoms?
a). Administer antibiotic and prepare for lumbar puncture.
b). Darken the room and administer analgesic.
c). Administer acetaminophen and maintain isolation.
d). Check the GCS and monitor vital signs.

Correct answer: Darken the room and administer analgesic.

2. A teacher is using a model of a brain to teach the anatomy of the brain. This is an example of?
a). Symbolic learning.
b). Direct learning.
c). Vicarious learning.
d). Systematic learning.

Correct answer: Symbolic learning.

3. The overall plan of rotation of all students in a particular educational institution, showing the placement of the students belonging to the total programme is called as?
a). Master rotation plan.
b). Clinical rotation plan.
c). Correlation chart.
d). Curriculum.

Correct answer: Master rotation plan.

4. A revision of the knowledge learned by the student in a particular lesson is?
a).  Application.
b). Association.
c). Recapitulation.
d). Assimilation.

Correct answer:  Application(*).

5. The field trip is an example of which type of audiovisual aid?
a). Audio aid.
b). Projected visual aid.
c). Non projected visual aid.
d). Activity aid.

Correct answer: Activity aid.

6. The name “kindergarten” was proposed by?
a). Froebel.
b). Aristotle.
c). Taylor.
d). Rousseau.

Correct answer: Froebel.

7. Following is an exocrine gland?
a). Thyroid.
b). Parotid.
c). Parathyroid.
d). Pituitary.

Correct answer: Parotid.

8. During the accommodation reflex, all changes happen, except?
a).Pupillary constriction.
b). Ciliary muscle contraction.
c). Convergence of eyeball.
d). A decrease in the curvature of the lens.

Correct answer: Convergence of eyeball.

9. The luteal phase of the menstrual cycle is characterized by?
a). Endometrial involution.
b). Development of graffian follicle.
c). Regression of endometrium.
d). Corpus luteal activity in the ovary.

Correct answer: Corpus luteal activity in the ovary.

10. Normal PCV(Packed Cell Volume) is?
a). 42%.
b). 58%.
c). 72%.
d). 25%.

Correct answer: 42%.

11. The part of the brain which makes voluntary movements smooth and coordinate?
a). Medulla oblongata.
b). Midbrain.
c). Cerebellum.
d). Spinal cord.

Correct answer: Cerebellum.

12. The major sign of iron deficiency anemia is pallor, what part of the body is best examined?
a). Nail bed.
b). Palms.
c). Around the lips.
d). Lower conjunctiva.

Correct answer: Palms.

13. Which of the following signs indicates the need for sputum examination of AFB?
a). Hematemesis.
b). Chest pain for 1 week.
c). Fever for 1 week.
d). cough for 3 weeks.

Correct answer: Cough for 3 weeks.

14. The pad of subcutaneous adipose connective tissue lying in front of the pubis in the adult female is?
a). Labia majora.
b). Labia minora.
c). Mons pubis.
d). Clitoris.

Correct answer: Mons pubis.

15. The onset of menstruation in life is called?
a). Puberty.
b). Menarche.
c). Menopause.
d). Menorrhagia.

Correct answer: Menarche.

16. The follicle stimulating hormone(FSH) is secreted from?
a). Anterior pituitary.
b). Posterior pituitary.
c). Hypothalamus.
d). Thalamus.

Correct answer: Anterior pituitary.

17. An artificial opening created in the large intestine and brought to the surface of the abdomen for evacuating the bowels is?
a). Nephrostomy.
b). Ileostomy.
c). Ureterostomy.
d). Colostomy.

Correct answer: Colostomy.

18. The drug used to dissolve a blood clot is referred as?
a). Anticoagulant.
b). Vasodilator.
c). Thrombolytic.
d). Thrombotic.

Correct answer: Thrombolytic.

19. The dissection of arteriosclerotic plaque from the living of the arterial wall is called as?
a). Endarterectomy.
b). Embolectomy.
c). Strapedectomy.
d). Thrombectomy.

Correct answer:  Endarterectomy.

20. The ‘P’ wave in an ECG represents?
a). Ventricular depolarization.
b). Arterial depolarization.
c). Atrial repolarization.
d). Ventricular repolarization.

Correct answer:  Arterial depolarization.

21. Match the following:
                A                                                             B
1. Hernia.                                            A. Intercostal drainage.
2. Pneumothorax                             b. Lithotripsy.
3. Myocardial infarction                 c. Hernioplasty.
4. Renal calculi.                                  D. Angioplasty.
a). 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-c.
b). 1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b.
c). 1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b.
d). 1-d, 2-c, 3-a, 4-b.

Correct answer :  1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b.

22. Recurrent pulling of one’s hair is known as?
a). Somnambulism.
b). Trichotillomania.
c). Bruxism.
d). Kleptomania.

Correct answer:  Trichotillomania.

23. Recurrent and intense sexual arousal from dressing in clothes of the opposite gender is?
a). Transvestism.
b). Voyeurism.
c). Frotteurism.
d). Fetishism.

Correct answer: Transvestism.

24. Which of the following group is commonly used for drug management of a child with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)?
a). CNS depressants.
b). CNS stimulants.
c). Anticonvulsants.
d). Major tranquilizers.

Correct answers:  CNS stimulants.

25. Which of the following assessment data would the nurse consider as a risk factor for possible violence in a client?
1. Substance intoxication.
2. Past history of violence.
3. A diagnosis of somatization disorder.
4. Argumentative behavior.
a). 1,2,4.
b). 1,3,4.
c). 1,2,3.
d). 1,2,3,4.

Correct answer: 1,2,4.

26. A patient is taking aspirin, which finding would indicate the nurse that patient is experiencing toxic effect related to the medication?
a). Haloes around lights.
b). Decreased night vision.
c). Tinnitus.
d). Vertigo.

Correct answer: Tinnitus.

27. When is the best time for the nurse to apply prescribed ointment to a patient with an inflamed skin rash?
a). In the morning before the patient dresses.
b). When the patient rests for at least an hour.
c). After the patient baths.
d). In the evening before bed.

Correct answer:  After the patient baths.

28. The method used to remove the hardness of water?
a). Orthotolidine test.
b). Clark’s method.
c). Horrock’s test.
d). Filtration.

Correct answer: Clark’s method.

29. Cooking slowly in a minimum amount of liquid is?
a). Steaming.
b). Stewing.
c). Poaching.
d). Grilling.

Correct answer: Stewing.

30. The noise level of normal conversation is?
a). 20 to 30 dB.
b). 30 to 65 dB.
c). 60 to 80 dB.
d). 100 to 120 dB.

Correct answer: 30 to 65 dB.

31. An example of a fat-soluble vitamin is?
a). Vitamin B1.
b). Vitamin B6.
c). Ascorbic acid.
d). Vitamin A.

Correct answer:  Vitamin A.

32. Anemia is due to the deficiency of?
a). Hemoglobin.
b). Vitamin D.
c). Calcium.
d). Sodium.

Correct answer: Haemoglobin.

33. The sugar found in milk is?
a). Glucose.
b). Ribose.
c). Lactose.
d). Fructose.

Answer: Lactose.

34. Which of the following phase of the research process includes pilot study?
a). Empirical phase.
b). Analytic phase.
c). Conceptual phase.
d). Planning phase.

Correct answer:  Conceptual phase.

35. Which of the following test is used to identify an association between variable?
a). T-test.
b). Chi-square.
c). Innova-test.
d). F-test.

Correct answer: Chi-square test.

36. The instrument used to visualize the vagina is?
a). Sigmoidoscope.
b). Bronchoscope.
c). Colonoscope.
d). Colposcope.

Correct answer: Colposcope.

37. The serological test used to diagnose syphilis is?
a). Widal.
b). VDRL.
c). ELISA.
d). MP smear.

Correct answer: VDRL

38. A condition where the uterus becomes turned inside out is?
a). Prolapse.
b). Cystocele.
c). Inversion.
d). Retroversion.

Correct answer: Inversion.

39. A condition where the menstrual blood fails to come out from the genital tract due to obstruction in the passage is?
a). Cryptomenorrhea.
b). Amenorrhea.
c). Menorrhagia.
d). Dysmenorrhea.

Correct answer: Cryptomenorrhea.

40. Which of the following is a barrier method of contraception?
a). Calendar method.
b). Coitus interruptus.
c). Breastfeeding.
d). Use of condoms.

Correct answer: Use of condoms.

41. The vitamin produced in the intestines by the effect of friendly bacteria in the gut is?
a). Vitamin E.
b). Vitamin K.
c). Vitamin D.
d). Vitamin A.

Correct answer:  Vitamin K.

42. Whooping cough is caused by?
a). B.Pertussis.
b). H. Influenza.
c). C. Diphtheria.
d). Varicella Zoster.

Correct answer: B.Pertusis.

43. BCG is an example of?
a). Killed vaccine.
b). Live-attenuated vaccine.
c). Toxoids.
d). Subunit vaccine.

Correct answer: Live-attenuated vaccine.

44. Match the following
                A                                                      B
1. Hemolytic reaction.                       A. Crackles at the base of the lung.
2. Febrile reaction.                             B. Urticarial rash, stridor.
3. Allergic reaction.                           C. Fever or chills.
4. Circulatory overload.                     D. Hematuria.
a). 1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a.
b). 1-c, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b.
c). 1-c, 2-d, 3-b, 4-a.
d). 1-b, 2-c, 3-d, 4-a.

Correct answer: 1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a.

45. Match the following
                A                                                                             B
1. Aerosol therapy                                           a. Incubator.
2. Oxygen therapy                                           b. Gastrointestinal anomalies.
3. Phototherapy                                               c. Nebulization.
4. Parenteral therapy.                                      D. Hyperbilirubinemia.
a). 1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b.
b). 1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-c.
c). 1-d, 2-a, 3-b, 4-c.
d). 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-c.

Correct answer: 1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b.

46. Which of the following is not a part of the measure of central tendency?
a). Mean.
b). Median.
c). Mode.
d). Standard deviation.

Correct answer: Standard deviation.

47. Sociology is the study of?
a). Society.
b). Political system.
c). Human behavior.
d). Institutions.

Correct answer: Society.

48. The normal body temperature of an adult is?
a). 98.6°F.
b). 96.6°F.
c). 94.6°F.
d). 95.6°F.

Correct answer: 98.6°F.

49. In semi Fowler’s position, the head end of the bed is raised up to an angle of?
a). 20°.
b). 90°.
c). 30°.
d). 45°.

Correct answer: 45°.

50. A condition resulting from lack of oxygen?
a). Ataxia.
b). Asphyxia.
c). Apnoea.
d). Apraxia.

Correct answer: Asphyxia.

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(NB: Please keep in touch with the official website for final answer Key

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