Senior Nursing Officer Exam Questions

AIIMS Bhubaneshwar Senior Nursing Officer/Sister Grade 1 Exam conducted on 28/03/2019 memory based 25 questions and answers

AIIMS Bhubaneshwar Sister Grade 1 Exam Questions and Answers

These memory-based nursing questions are asked on 28/03/2019 AIIMS Bhubaneshwar Sister Grade 1/ Senior Nursing Officer Exam. The answers are provisional only, the original answer key will publish on AIIMS Bhubaneshwar website.
which of the following is not a side effect of morphine sulfate
small pox eradication from the world announced by WHO
measles also called
which of the following disease is caused by sugar cane
WHO initiated right to sight is name of
thyroxine hormone is secreted by
neonate is called
In a 28 days menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs in following days
normal Hb of neonate is
anosmia means
Normal temperature of neonate is
father of scientific management theory
Decrease in BMR seen in case of
which is the largest gland of the human body
which of the following is not a symptom of increased ICP
optimum fluoride concentration in drinking water
most suited pelvis for delivery
which of the following microorganism does not cause vaginitis
capnography will measure
testosterone secreted by which cells
Which is the largest synovial joint of the human body
withdrawal symptom do not occur in case of which medication
peripheral vision lost in
dysmenorrhoea is a
Rural health mission in India started by which committee
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