Forensic Medicine MCQs
1. Which of the following is not included in the four types of legal inquest procedure?
a. Police inquest
b. Magistrate inquest
c. Lawyer inquest
d. Coroner inquest
2. A surgical procedure that consists of a thorough examination of a corpse by dissection to determine the cause, mode, and manner of death or to evaluate any disease or injury that may be present for research or educational purposes?
a. Post-mortem examination
b. Autopsy
c. Obduction
d. All of these
3. The autopsy for non-human animals is termed as?
a. Autopsia cadaverum
b. Necropsy
c. Obduction
d. None of these
4. Following death, the subjective response experienced by the surviving loved ones is called?
a. Grief
b. Mourning
c. Compliance
d. Bereavement
5. Which of the following types of the fluids are useful for the DNA collection?
a. Blood
b. Saliva
c. Semen
d. All of these
6. After how many hours of death does intraocular pressure become zero?
a. 24
b. 2
c. 1
d. 1/2
7. When photographically documenting forensic evidence, it is considered good practice to capture?
a. One image of each finding
b. Two images of each finding
c. Four images of each finding
d. At least 10 images of each finding
8. After death, during fundus examination, the fundus of the eye showing phenomenon of trucking is known as?
a. Keratosis
b. Necrosis
c. Kevorkian sign
d. Mendelian sign
9. The ligature marks of the hanging (in suicide) usually will be?
a. Oblique, non-continuous, usually above the level of thyroid cartilage
b. Horizontal, continuous, usually at or below the level of thyroid cartilage
c. Oblique, continuous around the neck, below the thyroid cartilage
d. Horizontal, non-continuous, at the thyroid cartilage
10. Which of the following areas sustains the most injury during a sexual assault involving penile penetration only?
a. Cervix
b. Perineum
c. Vaginal walls
d. Posterior fourchette
a. Hanging
b. Strangulation
c. Drowning
d. All of the above
12. The gradual decrease in body’s temperature after death is called:
a. Stiff mortis
b. Algor mortis
c. Rigor mortis
d. Livor mortis
13. During the post-mortem, the neck cavity is examined at?
a. The beginning
b. The middle
c. The end
d. Any time
14. Stiffness in the body that occurs after 2 to 4 hrs after death is called:
a. Livor mortis
b. Algor mortis
c. Stiff mortis
d. Rigor mortis
15. When a hanging is called typical hanging, the knot of the rope will be at?
a. Nape of the neck
b. Mastoid process
c. Thyroid cartilage
d. Hyoid bone
16. When the body is suspended on ligature on the neck, and some of body parts are touching the ground or other article is termed as?
a. Complete hanging
b. Partial hanging
c. Incomplete hanging
d. Both partial or incomplete hanging
17. In the case of hanging, the knot of ligature may press the cervical sympathetic ganglia on that side, leads to the eye on that side may remain open and pupil is dilated, this feature is known as?
a. Asphyxia syndrome
b. Hanging death syndrome
c. Le Facie sympathique
d. All of these
18. Abduction fracture of greater horn of hyoid bone is usually seen during post mortem finding in the case of?
a. Hanging
b. Strangulation
c. Blunt trauma on the head
d. Road traffic accident
19. In a homicide, a suspected person or criminal guilty of crime is hanged by a crowd by forcefully to tree or lamppost is known as?
a. Hanging
b. Lynching
c. Strangulation
d. Sever punishment
20. Autoerotic hanging is also known as?
a. Sexual asphyxia
b. Asphyxiophilia
c. Hypoxiphilia
d. All of these
21. Dribbling of saliva, Le facie sympathique, blisters etc are seen in the case of?
a. Ante mortem hanging
b. Post mortem hanging
c. Both
d. None of these
22. In a post-mortem finding, the flattening of muscles which are in contact with surface is known as?
a. Rigor mortis
b. Contact flattening
c. Secondary relaxation
d. Primary stiffening
23. Orders of appearance of rigor mortis to voluntary muscles starts as per Nysten’s law from?
a. Muscles nearer to brain
b. Muscles nearer to heart
c. Muscles of lower limb
d. Muscles of upper limb
24. Which of the following statement is true regarding rigor mortis?
a. At cold temperature rigor mortis comes early and passes of early
b. At high temperature rigor mortis comes early and passes early
c. Both high and extreme cold temperature rigor mortis comes early and passes of early
d. At normal temperature rigor mortis comes early and passes of early
25. Cadaveric spasm is also known as?
a. Post-mortem spasm
b. Instantaneous rigor mortis
c. Cataleptic rigidity
d. All of these
26. The scientific study of death and practices associated with it is known as?
a. Forensic medicine
b. Criminology
c. Thanatology
d. Post mortem studies
27. Harvard criteria is used for assessment and confirmation of?
a. Somatic death
b. Brain death
c. Cellular death
d. Clinical death
28. The hot nose sign refers to increased perfusion in the nasal region on nuclear medicine cerebral perfusion studies, which is usually seen in?
a. Brain death
b. Asphyxial death
c. Drowning
d. Hanging
29. Harvard criteria for brain death include all of the following, except?
a. Unresponsive to painful stimuli
b. Absence of breathing
c. Absence of reflexes
d. Absence of electrical activity in ECG
30. The executive magistrate are appointed by?
a. High court
b. Supreme court
c. State government
d. Central government
31. Magistrate inquest is held under section?
a. 114 CrPC
b. 155 CrPC
c. 176 CrPC
d. 189 CrPC
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