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ENT MCQs For Medical Students | ENT Questions For Medical Students
1. True about tympanic membrane?
attached to oval window
forms an angle of 55 degree with exteran auditory canal
Chordae tympany nerve passess through pars tensa
Cone of light forms on anteriosuperior quadrant
2. Length of Eustachian tube?
24 mm
36 mm
46 mm
26 mm
3. Sense organ of hearing is?
Organ of Corti
4. Not included in bony labyrinth?
Semicircular canal
Organ of corti
5. Endolymph is present in?
Scala media
Scala vestibule
Scala tympani
Cochlear aqueduct
6. Ceruluminous glands present in the ear are?
Modified eccrine glands
Modified apocrine glands
Mucous glands
Modified holocrine glands
7. What is the colour of normal tympanic membrane?
Pearly white
8. Surface area of tympanic membrane?
55 mm2
70 mm2
80 mm2
90 mm2
9. Cone of light is seen in which part of tympanic membrane?
Anterior superior quadrant
Posteriosuperior quadrant
Anterior inferior quadrant
Posterior inferior quadrant
10. In otoscopy the most reliable sign is?
Lateral process of malleus
Handle of malleus
Cone of light
11. What is the type of joint in ear ossicles?
Fibrous joint
Primary cartilaginous
Secondary cartilaginous
Synovial joint
12. Inner ear is present in which bone?
Parietal bone
Petrous part of temporal bone
Occipital bone
Petrous part of squamosal bone
13. Stapes footplate covers?
Round window
Oval window
Inferior sinus tympani
14. Organ of Corti is situated in?
Scala media
Scala tympani
Scala vestibule
Semicircular canal
15. Endolymph is present in?
Bony labyrinth
Scala media
Scala vestibule
scala tympani
16. Fetus can start hearing by which time of intrauterine life?
14 weeks
20 weeks
32 weeks
33 weeks
17. Normal threshold of hearing in young adult is?
0 dB
10 dB
20 dB
30 dB
18. Bones of middle ear are responsible for which of the following?
Amplification of sound
Reduction of sound intensity
Protecting the inner ear
Reduction of impedance to sound transmission
19. All are causes of sensory neural hearing loss except?
Old age
Cochlear otosclerosis
Loud noise
Rupture of tympanic membrane
20. Virus causing Acute SNHL?
Mumps virus
Adeno virus
Rota virus
21. According to WHO definition of hearing loss, profound degree of hearing loss is at?
61 – 75 dB
80 dB
90 dB
100 dB
22. Commonest cause of hearing loss in children is?
Accoustic neuroma
Otitis media with effusion
23. Commonest cause of deafness is?
Acute masoiditis
Meniere’s disease
24. Prolonged exposure to noise level greater than the following can impair hearing permanently?
40 dB
85 dB
100 dB
140 dB
25. Frequency of tuning fork mostly used in ENT is?
256 Hz
512 Hz
1024 Hz
2048 Hz
ENT MCQs with Rationales for Medical Students
26. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of otitis media?
a. Fever
b. Ear pain
c. Hearing loss
d. Vertigo
27. Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for developing laryngeal cancer?
a. Smoking
b. Excessive alcohol consumption
c. Family history of cancer
d. Frequent exposure to loud noises
28. Which of the following is a common cause of conductive hearing loss?
a. Inner ear damage
b. Nerve damage
c. Earwax buildup
d. Meniere’s disease
29. Which of the following is a common symptom of allergic rhinitis?
a. Ear pain
b. Chest pain
c. Sneezing
d. Neck stiffness
30. Which of the following is NOT a potential complication of untreated sleep apnea?
a. High blood pressure
b. Stroke
c. Diabetes
d. Decreased risk of heart disease
31. Which of the following is a common symptom of tonsillitis?
a. Ear pain
b. Abdominal pain
c. Headache
d. Sore throat
32. Which of the following is a common cause of epistaxis (nosebleed)?
a. High blood pressure
b. Low blood pressure
c. Dehydration
d. Ear infection
33. Which of the following is a common symptom of a ruptured eardrum?
a. Decreased sense of smell
b. Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
c. Blurred vision
d. Chest pain
34. Which of the following is a common complication of untreated chronic sinusitis?
a. Meningitis
b. Otitis media
c. Asthma
d. Sepsis
35. Which of the following is a common cause of conductive hearing loss in older adults?
a. Inner ear damage
b. Nerve damage
c. Presbycusis (age-related hearing loss)
d. Meniere’s disease
ENT Questions For Medical Students Part 2 with 21 MCQs
- Rinne test is negative in?
- Vertigo is defined as?
- Perichondritis of aural cartilage is most commonly caused by?
- Myringitis bullosa is caused by?
- Direction of water jet while doing syringing of ear should be?
- Throat infection causes ear infection through?
- Commonest cause of acute otitis media in children is?
- Bluish tympanic membrane is seen in?
- Most common complication of acute otitis media is?
- Most common complication of CSOM is?
- The treatment of choice in atticoantral variety of CSOM?
- All are manifestations of Meniere’s disease except?
- Parosmia is?
- Which of the following is not a functions of nose?
- Crooked nose is due to?
- Most common fractured bone of face is?
- Treatment of septal hematoma is?
- Percentage of newborn with deviation of nasal septum?
- Rhinosporidiosis is caused by?
- All of the following are true about antrochonal polyp, except?
- Rhinophyoma is associated with?
Menieres disease
Subjective feeling of imbalance
Objective sense of imbalance
Both of these
Round involvement
Blood spread
Eustachian tube
Nasocomial spread
Simultaneous infection
Hemophilus influenza
Streptococcus pneumonia
Staph. Aureus
Early ASOM
OME / glue ear
Cholesterol granuloma
facial nerve palsy
Conductive hearing loss
Intracerebral abscess
Medical management
Sensory neural deafness
Loss of consciousness
Absolute loss of smell sensation
Perversion of smell sensation
Decreased sensation of smell
Perception of bad smell
Air pressure control
Humidifcation of air
Temperature control of inspired air
Deviated ala
Deviated septum
Humping nasal septum
Deviated dorsum and septum
Nasal bone
Molar bone
Zygomated bone
Temporal bone
Nasal decongestant
Immediate evacuation
Wait and watch for spontaneous regression
common in children
premalignant and bleeds on touch
single and unilateral
arises from maxillary antrum
Hypertrophy of sweat glands
Hyperplasia of epithelial cells
Hyperplasia of endothelial cells
Hypertrophy of sebaceous glands
Image Based Questions For AIIMS Exams
Positive and Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia
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