NIMHANS Staff Nurse Recruitment Practice Questions and Answers

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nimhans staff nurse exam practice questions

NIMHANS Staff Nurse Recruitment Practice Questions and Answers

The hyper pigmented patch on the cheeks and face of the pregnant woman is known as?
Prevention of Food Adulteration Act was enacted by Indian Parliament in the year?
The world environment day is celebrated on?
An example of proton pump inhibitor?
Water has highest volume and lowest density at?
Dread of high places is called?
Hearing loss associated with aging is known as?
Multi drug resistant Tuberculosis is one that is at least resistant to?
An example of calcium channel blocker?
Inflammation of the cornea is called?
After snake bite which of the following one is not a correct management?
Therapeutic blood level of lithium is?
A specific type of imaging that uses a low dose of X-ray system to examine breast?
The following is not an extrapyramydal symptom?
The first mammary secretion is called?
The body temperature of a patient admitted with typhoid fever is 38 degree celsius, convert it into Fahrenheit?
A type of delusion in which patient reports of non-existence of self or world?
Yellow flowers appears in green light?
One gram protein gives?
Thiamine deficiency can lead to?
Smallpox was officially declared eradicated from the entire world by W.H.O in the year?
Electromangetism invented by?
Difficulty in swallowing is termed as?
The HCG level in normal pregnancy reach a peak in?
Normal blood urea level?
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